My Favorite Poems


The beautiful, the fair, the elegant,
Is that which pleases us, says Kant,
Without a thought of interest or advantage.

I used to watch men when they spoke of beauty
And measure their enthusiasm. One
An old man, seeing a ( ) setting sun,
Praised it ( ) a certain sense of duty
To the calm evening and his time of life.
I know another man that never says a Beauty
But of a horse; ( )

Men seldom speak of beauty, beauty as such,
Not even lovers think about it much.
Women of course consider it for hours
In mirrors; ( )

A shrapnel ball -
Just where the wet skin glistened when he swam -
Like a fully-opened sea-anemone.
We both said 'What a beauty! What a beauty, lad'
I knew that in that flower he saw a hope
Of living on, and seeing again the roses of his home.
Beauty is that which pleases and delights,
Not bringing personal advantage - Kant.
But later on I heard
A canker worked into that crimson flower
And that he sank with it
And laid it with the anemones off Dover.

Wilfred Owen  

The Reason Is You

You're the reason for these butterflies
That are fluttering uncontrollable inside of me
These butterflies will never calm
They've taken over my whole body

You're the reason for this smile
That brightens my whole face
This smile will never frown
You've unknowingly became my all

You make me feel alive once again
You've erased my past with just a touch
Chased my fears with just one glance
You broke my mold with that first kiss

I thought my happiness was forbidden
Until you took my world and killed my demons
Read into all my deepest dreams
And gave them beautiful wings

You're the reason I believe in love

- Ashlei Dankenbring -

My Love... Everlasting

You were a dream...
A dream that filled my thoughts
and my loneliest nights.

You were the dream I held on to,
the dream my heart longed to one day have.

You were the dream that made me smile...
an escape from my reality,
a fantasy I longed to one day come true.

Once only my dream, my escape, my fantasy,
came true the day when I first saw you.

My dream that used to be
is now my reality.

A fantasy waiting for its happy ending
is now a fairytale come true.

Once my only escape...
is now the comfort that I live for.

Together we have been through the heartaches...
the pain of walking away or being left behind.

Every new road we had to take
because of the choices we had to make,
only paved the road
that brought us closer to one another.

Life may not be easy,
with all the burdens and drama
that life hands to us,
but when you find someone
to share your life with,
no drama is hard to handle...
no burden is hard to bare.

When you have someone...
the one that you've dreamed of...
then your life becomes the escape you both take
to get away from the reality that surrounds.

I know because...
I found the love...
my lifetime partner
my soul mate
in YOU!

- Jenny C Phillips