After all you did the same with me to create the biggest lie of our lives.
You and me the fakers of love who never knew what is was actually like
After all of the things we have done, being apart would be an regret i doubt
My fake love do you love me ?
Please remember that once upon a time someone loved you as a......
Listen to me my love my heartaches alot like never before
Carrying this unbearable pain after our split up was the biggest mistake i have ever done
I'll never forget you and your fake love, that will always be so,
Because unknowingly i have loved you as a...........
Now i feel the lonliness, and the never ending pain
You were my little princess and i were your little cute prince
We had something in between us, an obstacle a damn obstacle
Seeing you and him together made my tears uncontrollable
I'll never forget this sadness, this flow of tears proves you the deepness of my love
It's been awhile since we met or talked with each other
It's been awhile since i told you the real truth
Anways would it matter my true love ? would it matter ?